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pictures from another perspective within a kilometer distance of the WDKA

How different structures produce knowledge and build up a sense of place: handing a digital camera over to friends.

They started playing around with it, discovered a new button on my camera, the fish eye button. Chilling in a park with nothing to do we had a nice time playing around with the camera.

You can see they are excited there is a camera. they start smiling and posing for it. At one point they even crawled on top of each other and ask me to take a picture. They also secretly took pictures of me and each other.

You can see they are mainly focused on each other and on the environment, the main subject in every photo is a human.

They do not mind if the angle of the camera is not perfect, what they care about is the capturing of the moment.

actually out of my comfort zone because I normally collaborate in a way where I do not give orders to the others, I talk and then we agree on something together. Now I had to explain my art project which I am still kind of unsure about, and when I am not certain about something you can hear this in my voice, humans feel like I have no respect for them when I don't take myself serieus blabla still working on this.